Easy Pay Payment Plan

The Easy Pay Payment Plan has been designed to help manage your marketing spend over a 12 month period and aid cash flow whilst maximising your local exposure. Along with this comes a loyalty saving with standing order payments to help you grow your business with the Harpenden Directory.

Easy Pay Annual Marketing Plan
Easy Pay Ratecard
PackageNormallyYour savingMonthly cost

Full Page Advert
(What's On Magazine)

Online Listing
(Harpenden Directory)


£20 (x3) per month

Less 15% = £293.25
£97.75 per month

1/2 Page Advert
(What's On Magazine)

Online Listing
(Harpenden Directory)


£20 (x3) per month

Less 15% = £208.25
£69.41 per month

1/4 Page Advert
(What's On  Magazine)

Online Listing
(Harpenden Directory)


£20 (x3) per month
Less 15% = £174.25
£58.08 per month

1/8 Page Advert
(What's On Magazine)

Online Listing
(Harpenden Directory)


£20 (x3) per month
Less 15% = £131.75
£43.91 per month

Discount is based on 4+ insertions into the What's On Herts magazine. Prices exclude VAT.

Useful information

Artwork requirements

Pay by standing order

What's On Herts

Get online with Harpenden Directory and book your advert for the Harpenden Annual Directory before the November deadline

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