Harpenden Printed Directory is a 132 page glossy directory which is delivered to around 20,000 homes and businesses in Harpenden, Wheathampstead & Redbourn. Advertising bookings normally are taken around November for the following years advertising, so please contact us around then for this publication. Your business will need to be based in either, Harpenden, Wheathampstead or Redbourn to be included because the directory is exclusive to businesses in those areas. This is a glossy A5 directory published annually and so far the feedback from our consumer focus groups suggests that this will be a ‘must have reference’ that will be ‘kept for regular use’. The Harpenden Directory is the ONLY dedicated local hardcopy directory promoting business in the local area. Advertising cost our as follows: Full Page £395 + vat Half page £295 + vat Quarter Page £215 + vat Sixth of a page £160 + vat Call or email us today if you are interested in promoting your business locally Tel: 01582 469117 Email: Mike@harpendendirectory.co.uk